Archive for the ‘Local’ category

Buying Guitars Locally

August 12, 2008
Free to post, free to get great deals on.

Free to post, free to get great deals on.

Just because you want to buy local doesn’t mean that you have to get out and about to find the guitar you’re interested in. A lot of your local hunt can be done online. Using Craigslist, you can easily find great deals on musical equipment. The good thing about Craigslist is that, because it’s free, the sellers who use it want to get their things sold fast instead of setting up an eBay auction. This means that there is much room to bargain with the owner of whatever it is you are buying. Some goods things to look for when just glancing at the titles of listings are OBO (Or Best Offer), listings with no price, etc. etc. These are an instant hit where you can come in for the steal. Remember not to set your offers too low. Consider this: (more…)